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March 2024 Minutes

Street Committee Meeting

March 19, 2024 - 12:30 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 12:30 p.m.

Present were Scott Manchester, Assistant Director of Streets; Jim Bodenhamer, Susan Stockton, Paige Evans and Jennifer Baker, Committee members; Steve Hill, Director of Public Works and Scott Liles, City Clerk.

The Street Report for February was reviewed.  Scott reported that the cost through February 29 at the Community Center is $874,615.35. He told the Committee most of this amount is for materials, specifically clay and 4-inch rock that was hauled to the jobsite.  He also told the Committee there will be a little bit more clay to use, and there will be quite a bit more of the 4-inch on the parking lots and other areas.  Jennifer asked if the Street Department was going to do the concrete work for the buildings.  Scott said the crews will be working on parking lots.  He showed the Committee pictures of the ditch that had been dug, and rock hammered out to install the electrical conduit.   When completed, he said approximately 4,500 feet of conduit will have been placed and the ditch should be completed sometime tomorrow. 

The box culvert at the Cedar Street ditch has been completed.  Currently, the crew is digging out the ditch between Cedar Street and Spring Street and setting up the floor for the ditch bottom.  When the floor is poured, they will start working on the walls.  This project should be completed within the next two weeks, weather permitting.  The cost through February 29 is $36,287.85.

There was just one day of snow removal in February and a total of 8 days including January's snow removal.  The total cost was $37,326.30.

The 6th Street Rebuild project is going well at a cost of $35,141.60.  The crew has poured curb from 6th Street at Foster down to Bryant Street.  They are now working at Foster then will continue up 6th Street to College Street. 

Maintenance for the month of February was $7,851.27. 

Jim asked where the crews will be going next.  Scott said the crew working at the Cedar Street Ditch project will move over to the new Fire Department location to start digging out the area for their building to go in.  The crew working at 6th Street will move over to Deer Path and Turnage Trail in Carlile Highlands.  There are several springs in that area, the street is constantly wet, and the crew is going to correct it and get the water moving underground. 

The Budget Summary was reviewed; Steve told the committee that at the next Council meeting, there will be a few adjustments, one to the Workman's Compensation line item, when paid for 2024, the amount was estimated based on the previous year.  The amount was lower than the actual premium, so there will be adjustments for all departments. 

Scott told the Committee, the laydown machine is scheduled to be delivered in April.  Jim asked if there would be someone to train for its use.  Scott said someone from Caterpillar will come out to train on it, but the Street Department does have a smaller one, and the guys are familiar with it and the procedures.  With this new machine, there will be no waiting for a contractor to overlay the streets by their schedule; we can make our own schedule.  The only thing we will get from the contractor is the asphalt.   Susan asked what would be done with the smaller laydown machine.  Scott told the Committee it will still be used for smaller projects.  He said it was used on the bike path at McCabe Park.  Steve also added it can be used on parking lots.  He said, with a milling machine, a laydown machine, and rollers, there won't be a need to contract out work that we can do ourselves, and costs will be more controlled. 

Jennifer said she has been asked about the status of the traffic light at 6th and Main Street.  Scott said it should be delivered sometime next month.  Steve told the Committee that it will be closer to May before it is operational. 

The 2024 eclipse was discussed along with traffic issues that may arise.  Steve said his main concern is that the streets are clear for emergency vehicles to pass.  He said, internally at his departments, he is going to make sure all vehicles are fuel up the Thursday before. He feels it will move along smoothly.

Steve made a request to the Street Committee; meetings are on the third Thursday of the month.  He requested to have the monthly meeting moved to the second Tuesday, held at the same time.  His reason for this is, by the third week, the second Council meeting will be held that same week.  If he has anything that needs to be presented to the Council, it would be rushed, and they wouldn't have time to review that specific request.  He said, if the meeting were during the second week, and something needed to be addressed, there would be time for review.  Also, with it being on the second Tuesday, he added, he would like to have the Water and Sewer Committee moved to that same week.  There was a short discussion and Scott Liles, the City Clerk said the Committee could vote to change the meeting day, contingent on the decision of the Water and Sewer Committee moving their meeting.   All approved the request to move the Street Committee meeting to the second Tuesday of the month.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m.  

Wide view of downtown Mountain Home